Here are some tips to keep in mind if you're not sure you need a capability statement...
A capability statement is a showcase of your business’s strengths. When trying to attract new clients, you can’t rely on them taking the initiative to research you. They may miss parts of what you can offer and will likely be researching half a dozen other companies.
Instead, supplying them with a capability statement will give them an outline of your business’s competencies and let them know exactly what you can do for them. Presenting them with something that lets them know exactly what you can offer puts you ahead of the pack and will help you stand out from the crowd.
Furthermore, for some, capability statements aren't just a good idea, it’s an essential one. Tender bids for government contracts or financial institutions will usually require a capability statement for you to be considered.
Just as every business is different, so will every capability statement. However, there a several things that should be included in every statement:
Watch your tone – Think about who you are writing this for and adapt your language to suit them. You may want to use slightly different language in the statement you send to a banker from the statement you send to a baker.
Limit the length - If it’s a trial to get through, your capability statement may go unread. Limit the length as much as possible while still getting across all the necessary information. You should avoid writing more than three or four pages, some statements can be as short as one page.
Make it easy to read – Keep the writing as simple as possible. Don’t fill your capability statement with blocks of text. Instead, break up the longer paragraphs into smaller ones and use dot point lists.
Make it nice to look at –
Using images will make your capability statement easier and more entertaining to read. Additionally, graphics can relay information easier than text. Don’t underestimate the power of colour, a colourful statement not only catches the eye but will differentiate itself from any old page of black and white text. There are many tools online, such as Canva, that can help you build a document that stands out.
A capability statement lets people know what your business is capable of. They are essential when it comes to landing big jobs and building your business.
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