So many people only share their ‘best selves’ on social media – even in business. Therefore, the comparison game is running rampant. We are bombarded by the successes and the achievements of other people—and that makes failure seem like that much more of a dirty word, particularly when it comes to the business world.
But remember… Failure is completely normal. Ask anyone and they’ll be quick to tell you of a time or times when they have failed.
Fearing failure can actually end up counterproductive. You run the risk of completely paralysing yourself with your thoughts and worries and you can let those big goals pass you by.
So, what gives? Well, put simply, you need to loosen your stronghold on your fear of failure in business. Let us help you in this three part series blog. Here is part ONE.
Why Do We Fear Failure?
Failure can be embarrassing. When we don’t succeed at something – it can bring on a range of emotions and thought processes – I’m not smart enough, not fit enough, not driven enough… you get the picture. Nobody enjoys feeling like they’ve been knocked a few pegs below everybody else or exposed as some sort of fraud or imposter—especially at work, where you know that your very own livelihood is on the line. If you’re anything like me, your heart is skipping a few beats just thinking about failing at something in your professional life.
However, there’s more to our fear of failure than simply not wanting to showcase our shortcomings.
Failure tells us that there is a lot more work needed.
We have to make changes, tweaks and improvements to get things right. So, this means a lot more time and elbow grease needs to be invested in order to progress……. and sometimes, we need to go through this process multiple times to get it right. That’s a discouraging prospect, and it’s often the thing that holds most of us back from ever trying anything that seems intimidatingly challenging—whether it’s starting a new business or tackling a complex new project.
So, how do we work to overcome a fear of failure in business? Here are some tips that may be able to help you.
1 | Understand that failure is healthy
Walt Disney was fired from his newspaper job for lacking imagination and having no original ideas. Charles Darwin was considered an average student. Colonel Sanders famous secret chicken recipe was rejected over 1,000 times before a restaurant accepted it. Did you know that you’d have a much tougher time thinking of someone who has never failed? That’s a reassuring message because it means that failure is a normal and necessary part of the growth process.
If you aren’t failing, well, you probably aren’t trying to tackle enough big and scary goals. You’re coasting along in your comfort zone. So, feel reassured by the fact that failure can actually serve as an indicator that you’re on the right path toward bigger and better things.
You might stagger a few times along the way, but at least you know that you’re heading in the right direction.
Turning failure into a natural part of the process will instantly make it a whole lot less terrifying.
Don't stop here, check out our next blog to learn more! If you've found this helpful for your business, you may find a business coach & consultant like Clayton is a match for you business. Find out today by booking a FREE 45min consultation.