Let’s take a look at some of the most popular forms of management and find out what would work best for you.
In an autocratic style, there is only one leader, one person who makes the decisions. Communication works in a relatively one-way street with the person in charge, giving orders to those below them.
Pros of an autocratic management style:
Cons of an autocratic management style:
An autocratic management style might work for you if you’re running a small business. When the owner and the manager are one and the same the autocratic style is generally fallen into by default.
It also works well in a business that requires little management, where the employees know exactly what to do and how to do it.
In a democratic work environment, communication is more heavily emphasised. The person in charge will put their ideas forward to the workforce and ask for their feedback. However, at the end of the day, it is still their decision.
Pros of a democratic management style:
Cons of a democratic management style:
A democratic management style might work for you if your company consists of a small team where everyone is equally invested. This style works best when people actually care about the company they work for and are actively thinking of new ideas to improve upon it, rather than those who are just there to do what they're told and collect their paycheck.
Collaborative workplaces use a management style similar to the democratic process. However, in a collaborative workspace, all members must give feedback. A decision will often not be made until there is a consensus.
Pros of a collaborative management style:
Cons of a collaborative management style:
A collaborative management style might work for you if you are currently making decisions that will directly affect all members of your company. In smaller companies, this work style can work particularly well, as you can gain new perspectives you might otherwise miss out on, without a single meeting becoming an all-day affair.
Laissez-faire is a French term meaning ‘let’s do’. This management style gives a lot more freedom to employees. Employees are trusted to be able to do their work without someone hovering at their shoulder, looking over their work. Management will generally only become involved if the employee needs help or something has gone wrong.
Pros of a laissez-faire management style:
Cons of a laissez-faire management style:
A laissez-faire management style might work for you if you have a team of highly skilled or highly experienced workers who know the best way for themselves to produce results. This also works well for people working remotely from home. As long as the tasks are completed, it doesn’t matter how.
Figuring out the best management style for your business, and sticking to it, helps keep everything running smoothly.
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